South Puget Sound Community College maintains an open-door admissions policy and accepts anyone who may benefit from our educational programs, regardless of academic background. This policy also provides standards and consistent practices regarding the admission and readmission of service members and reservists to South Puget Sound Community College (SPSCC).
Admission does not guarantee the applicant the unrestricted right to enroll in any specific class, course or program if in the judgment of the President or Designee, reasonable enrollment limits for such class, course or program have been achieved or if the applicant does not meet reasonable pre-requisites for such enrollment. Applicants who are high school graduates or 18 years of age or older are eligible for admissions. Applicants under 18 and not a high school graduate may be admitted under the Running Start program or the Underage Admission Process.
The Craft Brewing & Distilling, Expanded Function Dental Assisting, Dental Assisting Technology, and Nursing programs require a special admission and application process.