Campus Paper Documents Archive Procedure


Every department that has paper documents that are required to be retained for a period of time shall appoint a departmental records custodian. 

The policy and procedures for using the State Records Center (SRC) and how to carry out proper records management, as well as the forms needed to transmit Archive boxes to the center, are on-line at . Additional information can be obtained from the designated Records Officer of the College. 

Boxes for archival storage may be obtained in Building 14 and are only to be used for SRC purposes. 

Box content labels and bar code labels are available from the College's designated Records Officer and need to be placed in the designated areas on the boxes.    

  • Place all documents in alphabetic or numeric order facing the labeled side of the box.   
    • For legal sizes have them face outward toward the lid opening.     
  • Do not include any hanging file folders, binder clips, or heavy duty binders.     
  • Up to (3) types of records can be stored in one box as long as those records hold the same retention period.  Retention periods are defined by RCW 40.14.050 ( ).     
  • Archive boxes by either Fiscal Year (July 1st to June 30th) or by the calendar year(January 1st to December 31st) as determined by your office needs. 

Retrieving Boxes at the Records Center 

The Records Center will retrieve any file or box requested. Make your request to the College's designated Records Officer through e-mail. 

Records are typically pulled the next day and customers are notified if a box or file is not available. The State records center will deliver the box to receiving. Once delivered, the receiving department will deliver the box to your department. If there is an emergency, a department can receive permission to pick up a box at the records center in Tumwater. 

It is your responsibility to notify the Records Officer once your box is ready to be returned to the records center.  Facilities will come and retrieve the box and return it to the records center.
