Purchasing Procedure for Computer Software, Hardware and Peripherals

IMPORTANT NOTE: Based on Accessible Technology laws and requirements, requests for any technology must be submitted with sufficient time to test and procure appropriate accessibility information PRIOR TO PURCHASE.

Request and Assessment

  1. A requestor submits a Help Desk Ticket to request IT-related product(s).  This includes all software, hardware, devices, printers, copiers, web-based or other media-based technologies.  
  2. IT staff will respond to the requestor within two business days from when the ticket is submitted with follow up questions or next steps (see step 4).
  3. IT staff may request a quote for the requested technology and send to the requestor (via the ticket).  Time varies based upon vendor.
  4. If warranted, IT staff will conduct a product assessment to ensure the requested technology meets security and accessibility standards identified in the Technology Purchasing Policy.

Purchase and Installation

  1. Once approved, the requestor can submit a requisition in ctcLink using the quote provided using appropriate category and account codes
  2. Upon purchase, IT will create a service ticket to track the purchase and installation steps and email the requestor with this information.
  3. Device delivery is coordinated between Receiving, IT Services, and the requestor.
  4. For hardware purchases, IT product is delivered to the agreed upon location.
  5. IT Technician coordinates product configuration and schedules installation with the requestor.