Cross Listed Courses Policy

Classes at SPSCC may be cross-listed in accordance with the following guidelines:

  • A cross-listed course has two or more disciplinary prefixes that share the same course number.
  • A student may receive credit for the course in any of the cross-listed disciplines any time the course is offered, but may not take the same cross-listed course in more than one discipline for credit.
  • Cross-listed courses must contain substantial overlap between multiple disciplines in the course’s subject matter and/or largely consist of interdisciplinary content.
  • Cross-listed courses should benefit students in meeting graduation, pre-requisite, transfer, or other needs.
  • Cross-listed courses must be eligible to be taught by faculty from any of the cross-listed departments.
  • Neither common-course-numbered courses nor courses from different distribution areas may be cross-listed.
  • Faculty proposing a course for cross-listing consideration must submit multiple course outline forms, one for each proposed course designation. Other than the course number, these outlines should be identical.
  • Course descriptions for cross-listed courses will note the cross-listings.
  • Courses being newly considered for cross-listing must be part of the substantive agenda for Instructional Council.
  • FTE’s generated by a cross-listed course will count toward FTE’s for the sponsoring department—the department of assignment for the course’s primary professor and department funding the course.