Professional Development and Training Funds

Professional Development Training Funds
College employees may enroll in classes or attend workshops and seminars for the purpose of improving job performance and reaching their educational goals. The college allocates funds annually for professional development opportunities for classified staff, administrative/exempt and faculty employees. 

Administrative, exempt and classified employees are eligible for up to $350 each year for professional development funds. These funds are expended on a first-come first-served basis each fiscal year. 

In addition, employees who are pursuing an advanced degree are eligible for reimbursement funding based on per quarter credits or the equivalent. A maximum of 12 quarter credits or equivalent are allowed per fiscal year. 

Employees pursuing an advanced undergraduate degree (A.A. or Bachelors degree) are eligible for reimbursement of $200 per quarter credit with an annual cap of $2,400 per employee per fiscal year. Employees pursing a graduate degree (Masters degree or higher) are eligible for reimbursement of $400 per quarter credit with an annual cap of $4,000 per employee per fiscal year. 

Classified employees must have attained permanent status to be eligible for professional development funds. The College Foundation also offers classified staff trustee awards and exceptional faculty awards on an annual basis. 

Employee Development Program/Continuing Education
The college is committed to offering training and development opportunities to all faculty and staff. The Center for Corporate and Continuing Education offers a reduced price structure on all courses  and classes in the Corporate and Continuing Education program on a space available basis. The quarterly class offerings and reduced pricing is posted on the Human Resource webpage each quarter. 

Administrative/Exempt Professional Development and Training
The college provides a professional development and training program for administrators/exempt professionals.  The program will be supported by budget allocation on an annual basis.  

The program will be designed to: 

Enhance knowledge and skills of all administrators/exempt professionals; 

Provide opportunities for administrators/exempt professionals to gain the skills necessary for successful performance of job descriptions; 

Provide training which will result in the most effective and economic assignment of administrators/exempt professionals for accomplishing college goals; 

and provide opportunities to gain the skills necessary for upward mobility. 

Faculty Professional Development Fund
Full time faculty are eligible for professional development funds on an annual basis to pursue professional development opportunities. The program and eligibility is defined in the faculty negotiated agreement and the funds are administered by the Faculty Professional Development Committee. 

Classified Staff Training and Development Fund
The college is committed to the development and training of classified employees to increase job performance and promotional opportunities. The classified staff training and development program is funded annually to help classified staff reach their performance goals. Professional Development funds allow employees to attend on or off campus trainings and workshops to enhance their job skills or obtain and advanced degree.