Social Media Policy

The College is dedicated to providing a meaningful educational experience for all of our students and we value diversity and inclusion within our community. Views that are expressed in our official accounts do not necessarily represent the school’s views, but we recognize that a thriving academic community is not possible without our students, fans, followers, and friends sharing their thoughts freely with one another on our official social media accounts. To ensure the interactions on our official social media account further meaningful dialogue, we reserve the right to monitor the conversations by removing comments and/or posts that are or contain: 

  • Not responsive to the topic, including, but not limited to, spam and similar comments promoting a product, service, or entity unrelated to the discussion;
  • Personal attacks on individuals, threats, or discriminatory harassment;
  • Illegal activity or encouragement of illegal activity;
  • Information that could compromise the safety of the college’s staff or students; or
  • Political statements, including comments that endorse or oppose political candidates or ballot propositions.

If the posting is in violation of the Code of Student Rights and Responsibilities, the matter will be referred to the office of the Vice President for Student Services.