SPSCC offers students the opportunity to earn credits by successfully completing individual agreements with faculty including Arranged Courses, Independent Studies, and Undergraduate Research.
Arranged Courses:
An arranged course is an agreement between an instructor and a student for the student to complete a regular SPSCC course as an independent project. Arranged courses must follow the course outline of the agreed upon course, including required assessments and topics.
Independent Study:
Independent studies are supervised projects for which students receive course credit. Independent studies require a detailed plan that explains how workload, contact hours, and student learning outcomes align with the course credit being earned. They also require a specific indication of how student learning outcomes will be assessed.
Undergraduate Research:
Undergraduate research courses are led by one or more faculty, listed in the catalog with titles and numbers, and scheduled to meet at regular days and times as indicated in the college’s course schedule. In these courses, students are directed in independent and collaborative research projects where they learn how to design, conduct, and report on original research.