Emergency Operations Plan Procedure


The complete text of the College's Emergency Operations Plan, Annex's and attachments may be found at: Emergency Operations Plan (pdf).

1.  Campus Closures/Disruptions

Inclement weather, natural disasters, power outages or other disruptions may interrupt the College operations. Generally, decisions about closing the College will be made by 5:30 a.m. on the day in question, and the authority to close the campus resides with the College President or designee. Local radio and television stations broadcast closure information or other instructions.

2.  Emergency Alerts

The College primary alert methods are Campus Safety Alert, Group Paging, Campus digital signage. 

Omnialert can send email and SMS text messages to cell phones, pagers or any other device capable of receiving text messages.  Omnialert is free to users.

Group Paging utilizes the ShoreTel phone system.  When an alert is sent the phone will emit a tone followed by specific information and instructions regarding the incident.

3.  Natural Hazard Mitigation

SPSCC participates in the Natural Hazard Mitigation Plan for the Thurston County Region and the specifics of SPSCC's plan may be found at https://trpc.org/101/Plans-Projects.